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American Journal Of Educational Research -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Questions: What Is The Importance Of Cloud Computing For Businesses? What Are The Benefits Of Using Cloud Computing In Business? How Does Cloud Computing Work Towards The Enhancement Of The Efficiency And Productivity Of The Business? Answers: Introduction With the advancement in the technology, many organisations are implementing the new technologies in their processes. One of those technologies is cloud computing. It is the technology that is being used by most of the organisations these days. Those technologies provide many benefits to the businesses. Not only the big companies but the small companies are making more use of cloud computing services. This is because big companies have their own IT infrastructure but small companies find it very costly to develop their own IT infrastructure. Development of cloud computing has also created a new era of competition amongst the businesses to build their network and enhance the businesses. Cloud computing has become a very popular idea and service (Ezell Swanson, 2017). Cloud computing is an innovative technology which is being used by the businesses for managing the data in a better manner and focusing on the performance of the business. Cloud computing has provided a cost benefit to the organization which has contributed to the performance of the business. Cloud computing is considered as a bonafide business strategy for the operations operating at different levels. Cloud computing has enhanced the level of flexibility of the organizations and promotes better forecasting on the basis of the stored data (Shuleski, et. al., 2016). This essay describes the overall functioning of cloud computing and it infrastructure. This is the project that discusses about the concept called cloud computing. The major focus of the project is to analyse the importance and benefits of cloud computing is business efficiency and productivity. Research has been conducted on this topic so as to analyse the aspects related to the topic which is popular in the business environment. Project Objective This project focus on the concept cloud computing. Objective of the research is to gather data regarding the role of cloud computing, the manner in which cloud computing works and benefits of using the cloud computing for enhancing the efficiency and productivity of the business. As far as the specificity of the objectives is considered, following are some of the objectives of cloud computing: What is cloud computing and how it works? What are the benefits of cloud computing on the business efficiency and productivity? Project scope The scope of the project is to know about the level of involvement, cloud computing has in businesses. This report focuses on cloud computing and its impact on businesses. This helps the researchers to better understand the intensity of cloud computing involvement in the businesses these days. The scope of the research is so wide. Understanding the benefits of cloud computing in businesses help them to take better decisions in order to implement the cloud computing services in the organisations (Armbrust, et. al., 2010). The focus of this research program will be on analyzing the increasing role of cloud computing and impact of cloud computing on business. There various benefits of using cloud computing to a business and these benefits will be discussed in this research program. Cloud architecture will be discussed in this research program along with the cloud computing infrastructure and types of cloud computing infrastructure. Concept of Cloud Computing According to the report presented by Intel (2013), cloud computing can be explained as the storage device acting as an online database where data is stored. The Internet is being used as a medium for storing, saving data and using the data as per the need of the business. Cloud computing has contributed to the decision making the process of the business. Safety and security of the data have increased with the use of cloud computing. Cloud computing architecture Cloud computing architecture can be explained as the components which are required for cloud computing. There are four layers in the cloud computing architecture. These four layers are hardware layer, an infrastructure layer, a platform layer, and application layer. Cloud computing infrastructure and types of Cloud computing infrastructure Different virtual technologies are being used for the purpose of building the cloud computing infrastructure. Different models of the cloud are available which can be used by the businesses as per their need. These models of the cloud include private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud. Organizations can select the models of the cloud as per the need of the business. Different types of cloud computing infrastructure are available which include infrastructure as a service, software as a service and platform as a service (Lewis, 2010). Cloud as an emerging utility in business Buyya, et. al. (2009), the use of cloud computing by the businesses has increased with the change in the business environment. Various applications can be accessed in an easy manner with the help of cloud computing. Numerous pros of cloud computing have been identified which include on-demand services, pay as you go, guaranteed quality, accessibility and pooling of resources (Metzler, 2011). Customers or businesses can use cloud computing services as per the need and customization is possible. Payment can be made for the service used as per the usage is possible. Cloud computing is designed with a user-friendly interface (Gibson, et. al., 2012). Quality of the service is maintained in cloud computing by focusing on the infrastructure of the business. Services can be used on a shared basis with the help of cloud computing (Avram, 2014). Cloud Computing in Business According to Carlin Curran (2012), organizations are using IT tools for the purpose of rapid development, batch processing, and business analytics. With the increase in the competition, there has been a rise in the number of organizations using of cloud computing. Cloud computing has resulted in a reduction in the cost involved in managing and storing data, reliable, enhanced security of the data, mobility, recovery and backup and immediacy. These benefits result in enhancing the efficiency and productivity of the organization. Research questions have been prepared so as to form a base for guiding the data collection process and assembling of the quality data. Research questions for this research program are mentioned below: Research Design and Methodology Data collection is an important aspect of every research as the success of the research is based on the quality of the data collected. For the attainment of the objectives of the research, data has been assembled with the application of different methods or approaches. These different approaches have contributed towards the assembling of the data regarding the concept of cloud computing and its importance and benefits to the efficiency and productivity of the business. With the change in technology, cloud computing has gained much importance due to the benefits associated with its use. Research method or design: analysis has been made of the different research methods so as to choose the appropriate design. An explanatory research design has been chosen for the accumulation of the data regarding the cloud computing and its role in enhancing the efficiency and productivity of the business (Subedi, 2016). Explanatory research design helps in the developing knowledge of the concept in a better manner by forming priorities. The explanatory research will help in developing an understanding of the behavior in the market (Gorard, 2013). This research will help in gathering information related to cloud computing and its increasing importance for the business efficiency and productivity. The qualitative method will be used for the accumulation of the data with the use of primary and secondary methods. Data collection: The term data collection can be explained as the process of assembling of the data for an activity. Data collection is an important aspect which determines the chances of success of the research program. Quality of the data is an important element which is dependent on the management selected for the process of data collection. Primary data is the raw and first-hand data assembled by the researchers solely for the research. This form of data is a less reliable form of data as the data may get affected due to the views of the respondents (Lowry, 2015). Secondary data is the second-hand data assembled by the other researchers for their work and is used by the researcher (Johnston, 2014). This data is considered more reliable as the data has been used by other researchers. Both forms of data will be assembled in this research for meeting the objectives of the research. Procedures and techniques: analysis of the data has to be done effectively for the extraction of the reliable data. Data collected is available in large quantity and for the analyzing the collected data within the limited timeframe, random sampling technique will be used. Random sampling technique is an approach which selects samples from the population in an unbiased manner (Rahi, 2017). Equal opportunity is provided to every sample of getting selected for the data analysis process (Turkenburg McAuley, 2013). Research strategies: a sequential strategy has been selected for this research in which focus will be on execution of the research in a sequence. An action plan has been prepared for conducting the research in a sequence. Research timeframe: One of the main limitation of the research is the availability of limited time period for completion of the research. For overcoming this limitation, an action plan has been prepared. Collection of data and targeted market: Primary data will be assembled by preparing a questionnaire. This questionnaire will be presented to the employees of the businesses using cloud computing. Secondary data will be assembled with the internet sources issued or published after 2008. Ethical consideration: Ethical values or principles have been followed for ensuring the completion of the research in a right manner. Ethical values have guided the completion process of the research without harming the interest of any individual. Ethical values or principles followed during the research include confidentiality, unbiasedness, and integrity. Research Limitations Research limitations are those challenges or issues which are being faced by the researcher while conducting the research. Impact of these limitations can be seen on the quality of the research program. Research limitations faced during this research program are a shortage of time for completion of research, insufficient resources including finance and human resource and lack of access to the sources. Effective approaches have been considered for overcoming these challenges identified. Time schedule (Research Plan) Serial Number Activity Initiation date Duration (in days) Completion Date Description A) Selection of the topic 16 January 2018 1 16 January 2018 The topic will be selected on which research will be carried out. B) Framing the outline for research 17 January 2018 3 19 January 2018 The outline will be prepared so as to prepare a blueprint on the basis of which research program will be executed. C) Execution of the outline prepared 20 January 2018 7 26 January 2018 Plans prepared in the previous stage will be implemented during this phase so as to complete the research successfully. D) Selection of methods for data collection 27 January 2018 2 29 January 2018 Methods for the data collection have been selected as per the requirement of the research. E) Initiation of data collection process 30 January 2018 8 06 February 2018 Data assembling process will be initiated for the purpose of developing knowledge of the research topic. F) Analysis and evaluation process 07 February 2018 5 11 February 2018 Data assembled will be analyzed and evaluated for extraction of the relevant data. G) Conclusion and recommendations 12 February 2018 2 13 February 2018 Data analyzed and evaluated will be used for extracting conclusion and providing recommendations. (Gantt chart is in appendix) Conclusion Thus, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that change in the technology has created an impact on the different aspects of the business environment. Different information technology tools are being used by the different organizations for performing the operations of the business. One of these IT tools is cloud computing which has been used by businesses for enhancing the performance of the business. Cloud computing has provided a better platform for the storage of the data to the business. The efficiency of the business operations is increased with the use of cloud computing. Businesses are using Cloud computing as a data storage device for storing the confidential and crucial data of the business. There are various advantages which an organization can gain for grabbing the opportunities available by using cloud computing for the businesses. These advantages include reliability, safety to the confidential data, mobility and cost saving. Data regarding the research topic has been assembled with the use of different methods or approaches. References Armbrust, M., Fox, A., Griffith, R., Joseph, A.D., Katz, R., Konwinski, A., Lee, G., Patterson, D., Rabkin, A., Stoica, I. and Zaharia, M., 2010, A view of cloud computing,Communications of the ACM,53(4), pp.50-58. Avram, M. G., 2014, Advantages and Challenges of Adopting Cloud Computing from an Enterprise Perspective, Procedia psychology, Vol. 12, pp. 529-534. Buyya, R., Yeo, C. S., Venugopal, S., Broberg, J. 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